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Shadows of the Past

A free read to finish where Time's Arrow left off



Jonni Peterson gave up everything after Time's Arrow sent her two hundred years into the past. Set to finally marry Lord Sebastian Tyler, she still fights opposition from his mother.

Sebastian, 3rd Earl of Elton, has found everything he wants in a woman, in a stranger from the future. An equal, who accepts him for what he is.

The day of the wedding finally arrives, but will love conquer all or will the shadows of the past prevent the wedding taking place?



She was halfway to the stairs when a hand grabbed her arm and spun her around. Her cry of shock turned into a laugh. “You scared me. You’re making a habit of it.”
“I do apologize, Miss Peterson.” The dulcet tones 1 of her fiancé sent shivers down her spine, as he wrapped his arms around her, nestling her snugly against his lithe form. “That was not my intention.”
“And what are your intentions, sir?” Jonni leaned her head against his chest, hearing his heart beat within it. She glanced upwards. “I trust they are honorable.”
Sebastian’s laugh was deep and unexpected, his dark eyes sparkling. “Only until tomorrow night.”
“You are incorrigible.” Jonni looked at him in mock shock, hiding her smile behind her hand. “Totally, and utterly incorrigible.”
Sebastian’s grin widened. “That, my love, is the intent.” He kissed the tips of her fingers, his lips lingering. “Now, may I escort you to dinner?”
“Of course.” She let him take her arm and lead her to the stairs. “How was your afternoon?”
“Tiresome. I must find a new bailiff, or perhaps a steward that knows what he is doing. I cannot leave the man unsupervised for even half a day without him making a mistake. How my father ever managed to balance the books is beyond me.”
“Maybe over dinner you should ask George if he knows of someone. It sounds like he and your sister have arrived.”
“So it does, and maybe I will.”
She smiled. He was gradually picking up the odd word from her and using it in his speech. “At least he and your sister approve of my marrying you. Unlike some people I could mention, who will never accept me.”
Sebastian nodded. “I heard you had another run in with Mother.”
Jonni sighed. “I can’t do anything right as far as 1 she is concerned. I spent ages doing seating plans and menus...” She broke off and lowered her voice. “Sorry, I shouldn’t complain. Suffice it to say I’m wrong, she’s right, and she’s redone everything correctly.”
“She will come around. If she does not, then my love will more than make up for the absence of hers.”
They reached the bottom the stairs, and she waited whilst Sebastian and his mother greeted the visitors.
Countess Maud turned to her. “Miss Peterson, perhaps you could ask Cook how long dinner will be.”
“Mother,” Sebastian objected sharply.
Jonni looked at her. “I’m sorry? You want me to go and check on dinner?”
“Is there something wrong with your hearing? Do not make me repeat myself.”
Jonni took a sharp breath, inclined her head, and turned to go.
Sebastian shook his head. ““No. Jonni, I forbid you to go. Jonni is not one of your servants that you can order around, Mother.” 21
“Until you marry her in the morning, Sebastian, a servant is exactly what she is. Miss Peterson, I gave you an order. I suggest you carry it out immediately or suffer the consequences.”