Clare's Bio
Fun stuff


Saturday's Child

...might be possessed


Saturday's Child might be possessed...

Aaron Field is a farmer. He's sworn off parties and bonfires, and being more concerned with losing his farm than anything else, he has little time for church. When his field is hired by the church for a Guy Fawkes night bonfire, Aaron is ill prepared for the feisty Welsh woman who steps onto his land and into his heart.

Meaghan Knight is a farmer's daughter. It's her job to make sure the church's bonfire party runs smoothly, and if that means ironing out the kinks in surly Farmer Field then that's what she'll do. When she finds out what's really behind his attitude, she feels ill prepared to face his history, his family, and the danger.

As Aaron and Meaghan join forces, they discover an evil so demonic it threatens not only the farm, but their lives, as well. Meaghan knows God can prevail, but first she has to convince Aaron not to give up.



Aaron glanced across the room at the mirror. For a moment, he was sure he saw four reflections. He blinked hard and looked again. Three people—Jack, Meggie, and him. Just as there should be.

Then there was a fourth. Exactly as Meggie and Nancy had described. Red eyes, narrowed in hatred. Pointed ears, and sharp teeth. The cowl pulled around the face, the figure seemed to be pushing the glass forward, as if it were trying to break through. His insides jarred violently, and Aaron backed away, standing between the mirror and Meggie. “Jack…”

Pastor Jack stood, still pale, but color gradually returning. He handed the phone back to Meggie. “Your brother and the elders of his church are praying for us now.”

The front door opened and slammed shut. Footsteps in the hall seemed to grow closer and the door to the hallway flung open. But there was no physical presence standing there.

“Get out!” A deep voice reverberated through the kitchen, shaking the glass in the dresser and making the lamp shade swing from side to side.

Meggie screamed in terror.

Aaron grabbed her, holding her tightly, his own heart pounding violently as brutal fear gripped him.

Meggie tugged on Aaron's arm. “We should get out of here,” she cried.

“Stand firm.” Pastor Jack's voice, deep, resolute and full of authority, filled the room.